Friday, January 30, 2009


So yesterday I was immensely bored and complained about it to anyone who would listen. Wally decided to do something about those complaints and gave me a list of things to do today. Writing a new blog was one of the things, two other things were "Go for a walk" and "take some pictures" So I'm going to kill Three birds w/ one stone and I went for a walk and took pictures and now I'm going to post them as my blog entry. 
The list was a wonderful addition to my day. It forced me to get up and move around and do things so thanks Wally.
Here's what I saw on my walk:




pretty mural 



This sign confused me, What's w/ the bird and the letter? Why is the umbrella different? Why is there a Dr. Next to a phone, then a phone by itself? 

Old men playing croquet

Important information.

"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go..I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you"
 - Genesis 28: 15

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