New adventures that do not involve fish: Last night after supper in the market I saw a lady making dumplings through a store window and she let me try to make some! Yeah..I am not so skillful with the dumplings, but it was fun:-). Then today I ordered food for myself and asked the price, understood what he said and paid the man! All on my own! Doris gave me courage, plus she made me because she refused to do it for me even though she knew what I wanted and how much the meal was haha. She's a good friend.
So I went on a walk today around Changzhi and took a few pictures of the city. I also took some pictures today of my apartment, and my lovely view of the mountains. So here they are!

Warning: Dump trucks with helium balloons ahead!

Kitchen, hot water heater up to the right.

The aquarium...oh I mean my living room..yes..that is the imfamous couch.

Hope you enjoyed the tour! many more pictures to follow. Now time to watch more Olympics, get pumped!! Who watched the men's swimming 400m relay.. INTENSE! Love it!
Zou La!
1 comment:
Wendy, I am so excited to see your photos and hear about your life. I've shared your site with our small group, so you should be hearing from more of us. We are certainly remembering you! -Kim Brown
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