This is Penguin. He
is my friend! I thought I would have to wash all my clothes by hand but Penguin is like a giant blender for clothes. I take the long gray snake hose and attach it to the sink to fill penguin then I set his little timer and speed knobs and let him go to work. When he's finished I take the second tube that is hooked to the lid and let it hang into the sink where it drains the beautiful clean Jinhua washing water. (Note: the water is this color before washing clothes as well)
So clearly my clothes always get very clean! haha Then I carry my clothes down the hall to a spinner and then I hang the clothes up to dry. It's an entertaining process.
I don't want to ever hear anyone complain about doing laundry ever again ok..;-)
So today was fun. We went to Lanxi City and to an ancient city that I cannot
even begin to spell or pronounce. At the entrance there was this beautiful Lotus garden so I climbed down into it and took some pictures. The lotus were growing in this shallow pond it was so beautiful! Very peaceful.
Then We walked all around this ancient city that was designed just like this intrinsic Kung Fu symbol of Ying Yang. It was insane! I was very impressed. We had lunch there and I struggled through translators to purchase some gifts. I got two very cute things for Delana and Dara (it may take it a month to get to you but I hope you like it!)
Then I came home, ate dinner, had devotion, and as you saw above..I did laundry. On that note, it's time to finish my laundry. :-)
Matthew comes tuesday. Yay!! (I'm totally going to school him in Ping Pong)